Saturday 26 November 2016

New kittens

On Monday 21st November our cat brought in a little kitten up on our back porch and we fed it then we heard another little squeal, it was coming from under the house!! So I looked and tried to see if anything was under the house and there was…….

Another little kitten a exact look alike of its mother, as I was walking to find the kitten our cat came and followed me and brought the kitten out, so all we knew was that she only had two, We fed the two kittens and our cat some jelly meat and they dug into that, they were starving!! 

After they had finished eating there food we put them in a box and kept them worm, our next task is to keep the cute little kittens alive as the weather hasn't been great this week, unfortunately one of the two kittens has got a sore eye so we will have to take it to the vet and get checked! Keep check of my blog to be informed!

1 comment:

  1. What a surprise that must have been, Jorja! I am a complete cat lover and for that reason, really enjoyed reading up on this experience! I hope the kitten with the sore eye gets well quickly.

    Your blog is something to be proud of, Jorja. It is an unfolding story of your learning and your experiences. Thank you for sharing them!


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